Monday, February 5, 2007

The International Student Loan Program Center

Each year over 190,000 Americans study abroad and over 550,000 international students come to the USA to study. However, studying abroad often requires financial assistance for extra expenses such as travel, accommodations and materials, which can make it a greater financial commitment.

These loans also offer:

  • Competitive interest rates
  • No application fees or other out-of-pocket fees
  • Funding in as few as 5 business days from receipt of completed application
  • Preliminary approval in as little as 15 minutes

At International Student Loan we provide access to loans for:

International Student Loans for non-US Citizens

We provide access to loans for non-US Citizens who are planning to study at TERI-approved schools throughout the USA. Non-US citizen students are required to have a US Citizen or permanent resident as a co-signer to apply for this loan.

These loans also offer:

  • Funds are disbursed directly to you!
  • Loans are accepted at TERI-approved schools
  • Competitive interest rates
  • No application fees

Program Beasiswa dan Bantuan DAAD

Studi atau penelitian di institusi pendidikan tinggi Jerman perlu pembiayaan yang matang. Universitas negeri di Jerman pada umumnya tidak mengenakan uang kuliah. Bagaimanapun jika universitas menarik uang kuliah, besarnya uang kuliah lebih rendah dibanding negara barat lainnya. Jadi, biaya yang harus ditanggung oleh mahasiswa atau peneliti asing di Jerman biasanya untuk perjalanan, buku dan materi studi lainnya, akomodasi dan biaya hidup pada umumnya. Beasiswa atau bantuan merupakan jawaban bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki sumber keuangan yang memadai. Berbagai organisasi Jerman menyediakan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa dan akademisi asing yang sedang studi atau riset di Jerman.

DAAD menawarkan sejumlah program beasiswa bagi Indonesia. Sebagian besar beasiswa ditujukan bagi dosen (dari universitas negeri atau swasta), peneliti dari institusi negeri dan profesional yang bekerja di sektor publik dan swasta. Bagi fresh graduate S1 tanpa pengalaman kerja, DAAD bekerja sama dengan Siemens membuka program beasiswa DAAD - Siemens. Untuk mahasiswa S1 dari jurusan Sastra Jerman, DAAD menyediakan kursus musim panas dan beasiswa studi selama 1 semester di universitas Jerman. Bagi mahasiswa S1 dari jurusan lainnya, DAAD bekerja sama dengan industri Jerman di Indonesia menawarkan program GIS (German Industry Scholarship). Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai beasiswa GIS klik Disini

UK: Scholarships for students from Indonesia 2007

Kategori: Beasiswa di inggris bagi warga indonesia

Scholarships for students from Indonesia 2007
The University is pleased to offer a range of scholarships for Indonesian students of high academic standing commencing their studies at the University of Sheffield in September 2007.

Undergraduate Scholarships eg BA, BSc, BEng, MEng
Faculty Undergraduate Scholarships

We are pleased to offer scholarships to all international students commencing their studies in the Faculties of Engineering, Pure Science and Law in September 2007:

Engineering International Scholarships 2007

Pure Science International Scholarships 2007

Law International Scholarships 2007

Postgraduate research degrees eg PhD, MPhil
The University of Sheffield does not offer research studentships or funding specifically for Indonesian students. There are, however, studentships and funding for which students from Indonesia can apply:

New Route PhD

Tuition fee scholarships are available to students starting a New Route PhD programme in September 2007.

The scholarship is a 25% tuition fee reduction per year for 4 years of the degree programme.

Applicants will be informed automatically if they have been awarded a scholarship. Applicants cannot apply for the scholarship before being offered a study place at Sheffield.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Beasiswa MSc di Belanda

Kategori: Beasiswa luar negeri program master (msc) di belanda

UNESCO-IHE offers 18-month Master of Science (MSc) programmes that start every year in October. The first year of the programme consists of taught modules. This is followed by six-month research period resulting in a thesis.

Each module is taught over a three-week period, is structured around a central theme and has a certain number of credit points. UNESCO-IHE uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), in which each credit point is equivalent to 28 study load hours. The UNESCO-IHE Master of Science programme consists of 106 credit points in total. (more)